Advancing eye care for all South Carolinians
The Palmetto Vision Alliance maximizes resources for blind and visually impaired persons in South Carolina through collaboration, cooperation, and coordination among key service stakeholders.
Preventing Loss
With early detection, vision loss can be slowed ― even stopped ― with minor intervention, making regular eye care essential for all.
Protecting Sight
When diseases causing vision loss are identified, some can be addressed with corrective surgery or a simple pair of glasses.
Empowering Life
Irreversible vision loss need not be a detractor from a meaningful and engaging life with the accessibility of vision rehabilitation services.
Find the support you need
Awareness & Public Policy
Vision health is rarely defined as an “essential service,” yet our sight is absolutely essential to our quality of life, safety, economic security, and general health and well-being. Learn more about how the PVA is increasing awareness of eye care in South Carolina and promoting sustainable solutions across our state.
Meet our membersWe're here for you.
Whether you’re trying to find eye care services yourself or are helping a friend or loved one with blindness or low vision, PVA members are here to help. Find your local resources today!
Find services in your area
South Carolinians are blind or have a severe vision impairment. Without immediate and ongoing intervention, that number will double by 2030.
Special Initiatives
Big Data Project »
Led nationally by VisionServe Alliance and locally by PVA members, the Big Data Project is the only study to provide recent county level estimates of blindness and low vision with all of the material residing in a single, easy-to-use document.
Vision for South Carolina »
A goal for expanded eyecare and innovative partnerships in SC is coming into focus thanks to a 3-year grant from the BlueCross® BlueShield® of South Carolina Foundation for the Vision for SC Program.
Public Policy »
The Palmetto Vision Alliance is on a relentless mission to advance eye care for all South Carolinians and combat the alarming spike in blindness and vision loss before it cripples our healthcare system.
What our members are saying
“ABVI is a member of PVA, because, through these partnerships, we are able to more comprehensively serve and advocate for individuals in South Carolina with visual needs.”